Math Students Hit One Out of the Park

OUA Championship Trophy with Ryan and Tyler

Tyler Wilson (left) and Ryan Donnelly (right) hold the OUA Championship Trophy after Sunday's game

The Blues baseball team has now been twice honoured in the U of T Bulletin.

The first was a profile of the department’s own graduate student Ryan Donnelly and profiled his skills as a pitcher in a “game shortened, no-hitter” against the Gaels from Queen’s University.*

The second featured both Mr. Donnelly and another of our graduate students Mr. Tyler Wilson as it celebrated the Blues “8-4 victory over the Western Mustangs” to cinche the OUA Championship.**

According to Mr. Donnelly, there seems to be something about the sport of baseball that attracts mathematicians; perhaps it’s the meticulously repetitive nature of the pitching.

Whatever it may be we congratulate Ryan and Tyler and the entire Blues team for their great victory!  Batter up!


*More on Ryan’s story can be read here
**More on the OUA Championship featuring Tyler can be read here (includes a short video of the game)